Phase-wise analysis of trials focussed on therapeutics areas and/ or MoAs of interests.
Outcome analysis and insight generation of those trials for which results have been posted at or are available publicly. Success and failure rates.
KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders), Principal Investigators: their expertise and success rate, publications, patents, areas of interest, major affiliations
Clinical trial sites: Major therapeutic areas with high recruitment rate, overall success/ failure rates, Investigator availability, affiliations
Competition landscape generated from clinical trial data: other major companies active in the given therapeutic area or for a particular MoA, their phase-wise distribution.
Drug combinations vs monotherapies, chemotherapies vs molecular targeted therapies.
Study design analysis: no. of patients, no. of arms, randomized, non-randomized, blinded or open labeled, major clinical endpoints evaluated & their comparison with industry standard.
Comparison of investigated drug and therapeutic areas with available/ marketed drugs for the same therapeutic area, SOC (standard of care), is investigated drug better than existing treatment options? Is it addressing the unmet need?
Critical analysis of failed clinical trials: Was preclinical data strong? Were preclinical models appropriate? Study design appropriate? Clinical endpoints correct, recruitment met or not? Was the target patient population correct? Was the line of treatment correct? Can these parameters be different for the next trial, what should be the next steps?
Associated publications, conference abstracts & posters, press release and market sentiments after press release.